Thursday, December 1, 2011


We all had our usual day out on Saturday and met up with a friend at her office. Just a few days before she told us a cat came into her room and actually pooped on the rug and scratched the couch. Poor Sapphire barked her lungs out in her crate while we had our conversation so I decided to let her out- obviously the cat left a scent that Sapphire couldn't resist! 

A few moments later the Hubs and I both caught her sniffing at a corner and gulping down a container- a container of rat poison! 

I quickly opened her jaws and dug out whatever that was in there and went to the nearest Vet. She had two jabs of poison antidotes, some stuffs to make her puke and later some liquid charcoal.

She didn't puke or showed any signs of poisoning so after lingering at the Vet for half an hour, we decided to go home. 

I thought she did feel a little  sick when we reached home, panting and restless, finally she laid and slept for the rest of the afternoon. We were really worried and kept on checking up on her from time to time. 

The same evening she was back to her usual self, bright and cheery and a good appetite... phew!

These Beagles.

P.s. Our dear friend didn't knew there were rat poison in her office. Maybe the janitor left it there.


Dandy Duke said...

OMG, how scary! That doG your mom and dad were right there and saw the whole thing happen, Sapphire!
We hope your tummy is feeling okay now. We love that picture of you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Cinnamon and Mint said...

Oh that is scary!! I know that something like that can happen anytime to myself, as I myself is a Beagle who can't help checking the taste of everything she finds. I am glad that Sapphire is back to her normal self now.

Unknown said...

Phew!!! That was really scary!

So glad to know that she is okay now.

She does look so innocent in the picture : )

Kari in Alaska said...

Oh my that is super scary!

Stop on by for a visit

The Army of Four said...

How totally scary!!! We're so glad Sapphire is OK - good thing you realized what happened and took her to the vet's! WHEW!
Play bows,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is very scary. Mom almost lost a dog who found rat poisoning in the garage of the house they had just moved into. Poor little Shamrock almost did not make it. She was not herself for almost a full year. So glad you were able to get help for Sapphire so quickly.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

River said...

The scariest thing! We have mice in the house but my mom will not allow any poison--she knows how we beagles like to eat anything! We use peppermint & spearmint oil and mothballs to scare them off. I don't think I'll eat a mothball.

Glad you weren't hurt!

love & wags,

Kess And Her Mama said...

What a close call. Glad that Sapphire is ok. Phew!

Bobby Allan said...

OH no! Glad she's okay!


TWa76 said...

Glad to here she's okay! Mom says if we get rats or mice she will buy a jack Russel. Her friend has one what chases every mouse and rat.