Monday, October 1, 2012


I am a Super-mom. Yes, I said it, and proud of it! 

Baby slept early tonight so I took the opportunity to give Sapphire a bath. Only halfway through I realized I used floor cleaner instead of dog shampoo. Ya, so much for Super-mom.


Missed blogging. Miss you all too.


The Army of Four said...

AWWW! Great picture!

Jane Yoo said...

baby ethan is so cute. and of course sapphire! sending much deserved cheers for super-mom! have a great week!

Duke said...

Your furs should have a supershine now, Sapphire!
Your hooman pup is just adorable!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

I can see you there Sapphire! Your tiny human is so adorable!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Oh dear...How hilarious. Hope Sapphire survived the floor cleaner :-) Baby has grown and it looks like Sapphire is looking after her!

Cinnamon and Mint said...

It's good to know you are all doing well! I am glad that the liquid you used was floor cleaner, not bleach!

Apartment Software said...

WOW! This baby is looking so sweet in pic.

Amber-Mae said...

Sapphire, you have a new human pup! OMD soooo adorable!

Solid Gold Dancer

Custom Military Coins said...

Wow..!!!what a photogarphy,baby is looking so nice in this pic.

Custom Challenge Coins said...

Great work,Thank you very much for sharing with us,

Lapel Pins said...

Great work,keep it up..

Lapel Pins said...

Culte babby is looking so nice,

Kerala Tour said...

Cute Babby with his sweat dogy,looking very nice...

Commercial Real Estate Software said...

Thank you very much for sharing a nice post,it is extremely good.